Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well I guess all you can do is delay the inevitable, try as hard as you might but you just can't prevent it. Alexis' new favorite word is "MINE!". Not mine or even Mine... no it is MINE! It is forcible and angry and it is my new least favorite word. Matt and I tried very hard not to use that word in front of her, we said Mommy's or Daddy's or Lexi's but we tried to refrain from using mine. I honestly don't know where she picked it up from or how she mastered the meaning of it when she still doesn't seem to understand the word no when it comes out of my mouth. Odd how she knows what it means when she is saying it to me...

Here are some pictures of my sassy little girl trying to weasel a way to bring both her pacies after I told her she didn't need 2 to help mommy get the laundry.


Sarah said...

She takes after her Aunt Sarah :) at least she said other words before MINE

Anonymous said...

My daughter is 8 now, but we still have one of her pacifiers. When she gets home from school, we pop the nipple into her vagina and use her panties to hold it in place while she goes outside to play. Then when she gets into bed, we pop it back out and she falls asleep sucking her little girl goo off of it :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to have it in my mouth and taste her little girl goo while I put something else in her vagina and give her my goo

Anonymous said...

when u take it out of your 8 yr olds vagina I would like to put my c--k in her she is the perfect age to f--k